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'The Gospel of Thomas' (which is not in the Bible) contains the real truth about the Gospel or Good News
The Good News is not about the Divine having to redeem mankind
The Good News is that the Divine has already given mankind the ability for self redemption
-- that ability has always been with mankind
-- it is what uniquely sets mankind apart from other living beings
-- it is inherently a part of us: Our Conceptualizership

Every person was born a Conceptual Sovereign.
But due to cultural programming, mankind has become conceptually ossified.
Mankind has come to believe they are bound by certain concepts - which are in fact nothing but man-made constructs
Thus Mankind - the Conceptual Sovereigns have become tied up by concepts i.e. self subjugated by their own concepts
That is the great irony - but therein also lies the way out:
Mankind - to be unbound - simply need to do what comes naturally: Shun conceptual fixation, [Re]Conceptualize

The monkey trap is a good analogy:
The monkey is simply trapped by itself
-- it is not free so long as it does not let go its grip on what it found inside the calabash
To be free, all the monkey needs to do is let go of what it has - and it would no longer be trapped.

So too Mankind has been trapped themselves - through conceptual fixation
I call this phenomenon: iconization - Mankind has lost sight of their own Conceptualizership and allowed certain concepts to be pedestalized (thus the word 'iconized') - to dominate them: e.g. 'Hierarchy', 'God', 'Government'
and other concepts that more insidiously work against them: 'Fiat Money', 'interest', 'Insurance' etc.

All everyone needs to do is recognize their Conceptualizership and let go of these concept that Mankind has held on to for so long - that have thus far resulted in Mankind unnecessarily impoverishing themselves

Next, the Gospel of Thomas (through Thomas 35 + 21.b = 103) lays out a set of first principle-based imperatives for Conceptual Sovereigns to defend themselves with:
Be Self [Re]Agency-fied. Exercise your own agency with vigilance.
Be not self de-Agency-fied. Beware of & shun self incapacitation e.g. self intoxication (Thomas 28)

Thomas 35*: (*Translated by Mark Mathison)
"No one can break into the house of the strong and take it by force without tying the hands of the strong.
Then they can loot the house."

['tie up' = pre-occuppy = distract = Look over there!]

Thomas 21.b*:
"So I say that if the owner of the house realizes the bandit is coming, they'll watch out beforehand
and won't let the bandit break into the house of their domain and steal their possessions.

You, then, watch out for the world!
Prepare to defend yourself so that the bandits don't attack you,
because what you're expecting will come.
May there be a wise person among you!"

Thomas 103*:
"Blessed is the one who knows where the bandits are going to enter.
[They can] get up to assemble their defenses and be prepared to defend themselves before they arrive."

We should recognize who we were at the Beginning – Powerful Conceptual Sovereigns @ Conceptualizers
We should muster our sovereignty as Conceptualizers and Re-Conceptualize
and not become icon-ized i.e. fixated on / subjugated by concepts]

The Smoking Guns?

Now take a look at the Synoptics: (Note: please click on the references to see the insertion)
Mark: Mark 3:27 = Thomas 35, but inserted into Mark 3:20-30 - a hodge podge

Similarly, hodge podged: (Note: please click on the references to see the insertion)

In Matthew: Matthew 12:29, Matthew 24:43

and in Luke: Luke 11:21, Luke 12:39

Q: What happened to the first principled call for Self Re-Agency-fication?

Dis-assembled, de-contextualized and disappeared...
....for self de-agency-fication?
... and worse, self-subjugation, to produce:
'iconizers' = worshippers of icons
à la 'idolizers' = worshippers of idols
i.e. worshippers of man-made constructs?

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No matter how good your ideas may be, writing in abstract esoteric ways will never reach people.

Be less autistic/scholarly and be more human or you'll never have an authentic connection or audience.

Referencing the bible will ALWAYS turn me off.